WMed community enjoys a fun-filled afternoon at Summer Celebration and Employee Appreciation Picnic 

Summer Celebration and Employee Appreciation 2018
Hundreds of members of the WMed community gathered for the Summer Celebration and Employee Appreciation Event on Wednesday, August 1, 2018.

It was an afternoon filled with laughter, plenty of fun and good food – and a dunk tank.

For a little while on Wednesday, August 1, 2018, WMed faculty, residents, students and staff gathered in the W.E. Upjohn M.D. Campus courtyard for the Summer Celebration and Employee Appreciation Event.

Hundreds of members of the WMed community filled the courtyard and the gathering served as a time to celebrate – and reflect on – all that has been accomplished since the medical school opened and welcomed its inaugural class of ² students in 2014.

Attendees enjoyed a catered lunch and desserts during the event and received a free WMed T-shirt. They also, for a small fee, got a chance to “dunk a dean” as five members of the medical school’s leadership team, including Dr. Hal B. Jenson, WMed’s founding dean, took turns sitting in a dunk tank.

The "dunk a dean" event raised $608 for the medical school's UMake WMed General Endowment Fund.

As the event came to a close, faculty, residents, students and staff gathered for a group photo in the W.E. Upjohn M.D. Campus courtyard.

To relive the fun of the Summer Celebration, check out more than 100 photos on .