Sherwood B. Winslow M.D. Distinguished Lectureship set for October 17 in Battle Creek

Dr. Lydia S. Dugdale
Lydia S. Dugdale, ²

Lydia S. Dugdale, ², an associate professor in the Section of General Internal Medicine and associate director of the Program for Biomedical Ethics at Yale School of Medicine, will come to Battle Creek in October as the featured speaker for the Sherwood B. Winslow M.D. Distinguished Lectureship.

The event is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17, 2017, at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in Battle Creek. WMed partners with the Battle Creek Community Foundation to sponsor the Winslow Lectureship twice each year. 

Dr. Dugdale’s teaching commitments at Yale include clinical medicine and general ethics to medical students and residents. She is the director of a research ethics course for doctoral students.

Dr. Dugdale’s scholarship focuses on biomedical ethics, with particular emphasis on care at the end of life. Her lecture for October 17 is titled “The Art of Dying Well.”

Dr. Dugdale is editor of the book “Dying in the Twenty-first Century: Toward a New Ethical Framework for the Art of Dying Well.” She has published widely in peer-reviewed and popular press journals, including JAMA Internal Medicine, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Annals of Family Medicine, Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Hastings Center Report, The Hill, Kevin², and the Huffington Post. She has received grant funding from the John Templeton Foundation.

Currently, she is completing a master’s degree in philosophical ethics at Yale Divinity School. She received her medical degree from the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine and completed her clinical training at Yale-New Haven Hospital. She practices primary care medicine with Yale Internal Medicine Associates.

The event on October 17 will begin at 6 p.m. with a social hour and hors d’oeuvres at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, which is located at 1 Michigan Avenue East in Battle Creek. Dr. Dugdale’s presentation will begin at 7 p.m. 

The Sherwood B. Winslow M.D. Distinguished Lectureship was created through a special endowment from Norman Williamson, Jr., as a tribute to honor his longtime friend. Williamson is the grandson of W.K. Kellogg, founder of the Kellogg Company and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The funds are used to hold the Sherwood B. Winslow M.D. Distinguished Lectureship. Each year since 1988, a well-respected speaker has been invited to Battle Creek to provide an insightful, thought-provoking lecture to physicians, allied health professionals, community members and family members of Dr. Sherwood B. Winslow.

Attendees can register for the event by visiting or by calling the foundation at 269.962.2181.