Joseph Keller, 新彩网

Joseph Keller, 新彩网
Joseph Keller, 新彩网

Instructor, Department of Psychiatry


Joseph Jordan Keller, 新彩网, PhD, MS, MPH, is a resident physician in the Psychiatry Residency Program at 新彩网. He is an Air Force veteran and graduated from Bucknell University with a BS in Biochemistry, BA in Spanish, and a minor in Chinese prior to serving as a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar to Hong Kong. He earned an MPH at the Chinese University of Hong Kong while investigating the A/H1N1 pandemic, an MS in biotechnology and medical laboratory sciences at Taipei Medical University while elucidating the molecular pathogenesis of Huntington鈥檚 disease, and a PhD from the Department of Public Health for his research using Taiwan鈥檚 National Health Insurance Research Database for epidemiologic inquiry. He has published over 80 papers in international journals, presented his work at international conferences, and serves as a reviewer for emerging psychiatry research. As a government grant researcher, he investigated happiness and wellbeing, healthcare delivery in correctional institutions, tobacco cessation, physician-patient communication, and Indigenous Taiwanese health. As a freelance epidemiologist, he worked on projects characterizing suicide and mental health in Taiwan. Joseph is a graduate of Chung Tai Chan Monastery鈥檚 advanced training in Chan meditation and Buddhist contemplation and underwent additional training in the Nyingma tradition while in Tibet. He received his medical degree from The Ohio State University College of Medicine and has research interests combining his training in psychiatric epidemiology, biological psychiatry and psychopharmacology, and psychedelic medicine.

  • 新彩网 and Training

    • Residency 2026, Psychiatry, 新彩网
    • 新彩网 2022, College of Medicine, The Ohio State University
    • Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2018, Public Health, Taipei Medical University
    • PhD 2016, Public Health, Taipei Medical University
    • MS 2012, Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology, Taipei Medical University
    • MPH 2010, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • BS 2008, Biochemistry, Bucknell University
    • BA 2008, Spanish, Bucknell University
  • Research

    • Psychopharmacology
    • Psychiatric epidemiology
    • Psychedelic medicine
    • Biological psychiatry
  • Publications

    • Lin G.L., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. Cartilage. 2024

    • Wang A.Y., Lin G.L., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. Journal of Periodontology. 2024;95:483-493.

    • Chen C.H., Lin H.C., Lin H.L., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. Association between Antihyperlipidemic Agent Use and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Patients with Hyperlipidemia: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study Biomedicines. 2023;11

    • Lin G.L., Lin H.C., Lin H.L., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. Association between statin use and the risk of gout in patients with hyperlipidemia: A population-based cohort study Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2023;14

    • Zhang Y.M., Tsao M.F., Chang C.Y., Lin K.T., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Journal of Biomedical Science. 2023;30(1)

    • Cheng H.Y., Lin H.C., Lin H.L., Uang Y.S., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. Association Between Nonselective Beta-Blocker Use and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Without Cirrhosis and Decompensation Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2022;12

    • Lin S.F., Lin H.C., Lee M.Y., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. PLoS ONE. 2022;17

    • Lin H.C., Huang K.T., Lin H.L., Uang Y.S., Ho Y., Keller J.J., Wang L.H. PLoS ONE. 2021;16

    • Chen J.L., Hung C.T., Keller J.J., Lin H.C., Wu Y.J. BMC Ophthalmology. 2019;19

    • Chi Y.C., Chen J.L., Wang L.H., Chang K., Wu C.L., Lin S.Y., Keller J.J., Bai C.H. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2018;33:1437-1444.

    • Tsai L.T., Lo F.E., Yang C.C., Lo W.M., Keller J.J., Hwang C.W., Lin C.F., Lyu S.Y., Morisky D.E. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016;13

    • Chang J.S., Owaga E., Keller J.J., Bai C.H. Obesity and iron deficiency anemia: A review of population based studies Human Health and Nutrition: New Research. 2015:1-16.

    • Keller J.J., Muo C.H., Lan Y.C., Sung F.C., Lo F.E., Chiang K.Y., Lyu S.Y., Tsai S.T. Hernia. 2015;19:735-740.

    • Keller J.J., Wang J., Hwang Y.L., Chou C.C., Wang L.H., Hsu J.L., Bai C.H., Chiou H.Y. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2015;30:645-653.

    • Tsai L.T., Lo F.E., Yang C.C., Keller J.J., Lyu S.Y. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2015;12:829-840.

    • Kang J.H., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. International Journal of Stroke. 2014;9:1083-1089.

    • Keller J.J., Hsu J.L., Lin S.M., Chou C.C., Wang L.H., Wang J., Bai C.H., Chiou H.Y. Rheumatology International. 2014;34:255-263.

    • Keller J.J., Kim J.H., Lau J.C.H., Wong A.H., Griffiths S.M. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health. 2014;26:42-47.

    • Keller J.J., Wang J., Huang Y.L., Chou C.C., Wang L.H., Hsu J.L., Bai C.H., Chiou H.Y. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2014;29:805-812.

    • Chen Y.H., Keller J.K., Kang J.H., Hsieh H.J., Lin H.C. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2013;9:417-423.

    • Chung S.D., Chen Y.H., Keller J.J., Lin C.C., Lin H.C. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 2013;92:69-74.

    • Chung S.D., Keller J., Lin H.C. International Journal of Impotence Research. 2013;25:224-228.

    • Ho J.D., Keller J.J., Tsai C.Y., Liou S.W., Chang C.J., Lin H.C. Topiramate use and the risk of glaucoma development: A population-based follow-up study American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2013;155

    • Kang J., Keller J., Lin Y., Lin H. Erratum: A population-based case-control study on the association between rheumatoid arthritis and deep vein thrombosis (Journal of Vascular Surgery (2012) 56 (1642-8)) Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2013;57:302.

    • Kang J.H., Keller J.J., Chen Y.K., Lin H.C. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2013;32:271-275.

    • Kang J.H., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Osteoporosis International. 2013;24:271-277.

    • Kang J.H., Liu T.C., Keller J., Lin H.C. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2013;67:125-131.

    • Kang J.H., Wu C.S., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Laryngoscope. 2013;123:835-840.

    • Keller J., Chen Y., Lin H. International Urogynecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. 2013;24:565-571.

    • Keller J., Chiou H., Lin H. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2013;32:58-62.

    • Keller J., Liu S., Lin H. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2013;32:467-471.

    • Keller J., Liu S., Lin H. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2013;32:354-358.

    • Keller J.J., Kang J.H., Lin H.C. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2013;65:167-173.

    • Keller J.J., Kang J.H., Lin H.C. Osteoporosis International. 2013;24:1835-1841.

    • Keller J.J., Lin C.C., Kang J.H., Lin H.C. Osteoporosis International. 2013;24:651-657.

    • Keller J.J., Liu S.P., Lin H.C. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2013;32:980-985.

    • Keller J.J., Tsai M.C., Lin C.C., Lin Y.C., Lin H.C. Risk of infections subsequent to pyogenic liver abscess: A nationwide population-based study Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 2013;19:717-722.

    • Keller J.J., Wu C.S., Chen Y.H., Lin H.C. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2013;40:111-117.

    • Keller J.J., Wu C.S., Lin H.C. Laryngoscope. 2013;123:1323-1327.

    • Keller J.J., Wu C.S., Lin H.C. British Journal of Dermatology. 2013;168:289-294.

    • Lin C.C., Keller J.J., Kang J.H., Hsu T.C., Lin H.C. Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders. 2013;1:139-145.

    • Wang T.J., Keller J.J., Sheu J.J., Lin H.C. Acta Ophthalmologica. 2013;91:226-230.

    • Wei P.L., Keller J.J., Kuo L.J., Lin H.C. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2013;28:235-240.

    • Weng S.S., Chen Y.H., Lin C.C., Keller J.J., Wang I.T., Lin H.C. Annals of Epidemiology. 2013;23:54-59.

    • Chen Y., Chen Y., Keller J., Lin H. Journal of Infection. 2012;65:150-156.

    • Chen Y., Keller J., Kang J., Lin H. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2012;29:1328-1333.

    • Chen Y., Rau R., Keller J., Lin H. Possible effects of anaesthetic management on the 1 yr followed-up risk of herpes zoster after Caesarean deliveries British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2012;108:278-282.

    • Chen Y.H., Kang J.H., Lin C.C., Wang I.T., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Obstructive sleep apnea and the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012;206:136.e1-136.e5.

    • Chen Y.H., Keller J., Wang I.T., Lin C.C., Lin H.C. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012;207:288.e1-288.e7.

    • Chiu B., Chen C., Keller J., Lin C., Lin H. Journal of Urology. 2012;187:1781-1785.

    • Chung S., Keller J., Lin H. BJU International. 2012;110:550-554.

    • Chung S., Keller J., Lin H. Journal of Infection. 2012;64:445-447.

    • Chung S., Keller J., Lin H. Psychiatry Research. 2012;198:332-333.

    • Chung S.D., Hu C.C., Ho J.D., Keller J.J., Wang T.J., Lin H.C. Ophthalmology. 2012;119:289-293.

    • Chung S.D., Keller J.J., Chu T.W., Lin H.C. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012;9:130-135.

    • Chung S.D., Keller J.J., Liang Y.C., Lin H.C. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012;9:1295-1302.

    • Chung S.D., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. BJU International. 2012;110:726-730.

    • Chung S.D., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012;9:679-685.

    • Chung S.D., Liu S.P., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. BJU International. 2012;110:E1053-E1059.

    • Hu C.C., Ho J.D., Lou H.Y., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Ophthalmology. 2012;119:2358-2363.

    • Huang C.Y., Keller J.J., Sheu J.J., Lin H.C. Cephalalgia. 2012;32:366-372.

    • Kang J.H., Keller J.J., Chen C.S., Lin H.C. Annals of Epidemiology. 2012;22:257-263.

    • Kang J.H., Keller J.J., Chen Y.K., Lin H.C. Urology. 2012;79:340-345.

    • Kang J.H., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Osteoporosis International. 2012;23:2551-2557.

    • Kang J.H., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. International Journal of Cardiology. 2012;157:289-291.

    • Kang J.H., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. American Journal of Cardiology. 2012;109:1160-1163.

    • Kang J.H., Keller J.J., Lin Y.K., Lin H.C. Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2012;56:1642-1648.

    • Keller J., Chen Y., Lin H. International Journal of Impotence Research. 2012;24:242-246.

    • Keller J., Chen Y.K., Lin H.C. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012;9:2248-2255.

    • Keller J., Chung S., Lin H. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2012;39:507-512.

    • Keller J., Lin C., Chen C., Chen Y., Lin H. Journal of Andrology. 2012;33:1239-1244.

    • Keller J., Lin H. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2012;71:1102-1103.

    • Keller J., Lin H. International Journal of Andrology. 2012;35:867-872.

    • Keller J., Lin H. British Journal of Dermatology. 2012;167:1338-1344.

    • Keller J.J., Chen Y.K., Lin H.C. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012;9:1411-1417.

    • Keller J.J., Chen Y.K., Lin H.C. BJU International. 2012;110

    • Keller J.J., Chen Y.K., Lin H.C. BJU International. 2012;110

    • Keller J.J., Chen Y.K., Lin H.C. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012;9:1745-1752.

    • Keller J.J., Kang J.H., Sheu J.J., Lin H.C. Risk of stroke following diagnosis with pyogenic liver abscess: A nationwide population-based study Hepatology International. 2012;6:801-808.

    • Keller J.J., Liang Y.C., Lin H.C. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012;9:1753-1759.

    • Keller J.J., Lin H.Y., Chung S.D., Lin H.C. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2012;9:686-693.

    • Keller J.J., Sheu J.J., Lin H.C. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2012;39:1017-1023.

    • Keller J.J., Wu C.S., Kang J.H., Lin H.C. Audiology and Neurotology. 2012;18:3-8.

    • Sheu J.J., Keller J.J., Chen Y.H., Wu C.S., Lin H.C. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 2012;132:167-172.

    • Sheu J.J., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 2012;110:215-220.

    • Wang T.J., Wu C.K., Hu C.C., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Ophthalmic Epidemiology. 2012;19:137-143.

    • Wei P.L., Chen C.S., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Journal of Surgical Research. 2012;178:670-676.

    • Wei P.L., Keller J.J., Liang H.H., Lin H.C. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2012;16:1204-1211.

    • Wei P.L., Liu S.P., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. PLoS ONE. 2012;7

    • Chung S.D., Chen Y.K., Kang J.H., Keller J.J., Huang C.C., Lin H.C. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2011;8:3316-3324.

    • Chung S.D., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2011;8:2876-2882.

    • Huang C.Y., Chiu K.M., Chung S.D., Keller J.J., Huang C.C., Lin H.C. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2011;135:395-399.

    • Lin H.C., Chen C.S., Keller J.J., Ho J.D., Lin C.C., Hu C.C. Chronobiology International. 2011;28:942-948.

    • Yang Y.W., Keller J.J., Lin H.C. British Journal of Dermatology. 2011;165:1037-1043.