2019 Class Profile

Admissions Summary Ìý
Number of Applications 3,993
Number of Campus Interviews 321
Number in Class 60
Average GPA 3.59
Median MCAT 32
MCAT Scores 10th - 90th Percentile 29 - 34
Hold Advanced Degrees 17%
Class Composition Ìý
Gender Ìý




Underrepresented in Medicine 17%
Average Age 25.3
Age Range 21.5 – 45.2
Class Geography Ìý
As a private medical school, the Class of 2019 includes students from 12 different states.
California 15
Connecticut 3
Iowa 2
Idaho 1
Illinois 6
Indiana 2
Michigan 23
New Mexico 1
New York 1
Ohio 1
Utah 4
Washington 1
Undergraduate Colleges Attended Ìý
The Class of 2019 includes graduates from 39 undergraduate institutions.
Amherst College 1
Andrews University 1
Brigham Young University 3
Bryn Mawr College 1
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo 1
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona 1
Central Michigan University 1
Cornell University 1
Earlham College 1
Eastern Michigan University 1
Grand Valley State University 1
Harvard University 1
Hillsdale College 1
Idaho State University 1
Indiana University-Bloomington 1
Kalamazoo College* 6
Kentucky State University 1
Kenyon College 1
Loyola University-Chicago 1
Michigan State University 1
National Taiwan University 1
Northeastern University 1
Northwestern University 1
St. Olaf College 1
Tufts University 1
University of California-Berkeley 1
University of California-Irvine 2
University of California-Los Angeles 4
University of California-San Diego 2
University of Illinois-Chicago 1
University of Michigan 5
University of New Mexico 1
University of Notre Dame 4
University of Utah 2
Utah Valley University 1
Wayne State University 1
Western Michigan University* 2
Westmont College 1
Whitworth University 1


*Preferred Relationship Institution


Printable 2019 Class Profile