Research and Scholarly Activity

The Department of Biomedical Informatics has a research program that provides opportunities for our students and residents to participate together with faculty in biomedical informatics research and scholarly activities. We offer experiences that enable discovery and promote creativity. We are committed to pursuing inquiry, disseminating knowledge, and fostering critical thinking that encourages lifelong learning.

Our faculty participate in the research with students and residents, provide research mentorship and collaborate with faculty in other departments and programs.  Students’ and residents’ projects are presented at WMed’s annual Kalamazoo Community Medical and Health Sciences Research Day, and published in peer-reviewed journals.

Research and Scholarly Activity, 2018-23

Research and Scholarly Activity 2018-2023 - Biomedical Informatics

Recent Publications

  • Chen K., Snyder J.W. Forewords, cont. Trust and Artificial Intelligence: Development and Application of Ai Technology. 2024:xxxii-i-xxxiii.

  • Chen K., Tsai C.F., Hu Y.H., Hu C.W. The effect of review visibility and diagnosticity on review helpfulness – An accessibility-diagnosticity theory perspective Decision Support Systems. 2024;178

  • Hung S.Y., Tsai J.C.A., Chen K., Chen C., Yeh T.T. Tacit knowledge sharing in information systems development projects: social interdependence and regulatory focus perspectives Information Technology and People. 2024;37:1449-1477.

  • Lima N.A., Lima N.A., Cwikla K., Cwikla K., Byers-Spencer K., Byers-Spencer K., Crumm I., Crumm I., Patel D., Patel D., Huffman C., Huffman C., McGoff T.N., McGoff T.N., Young J., Young J., Melgar T.A., Melgar T.A., Helmstetter N., Helmstetter N., Byers-Spencer K, Cwikla K, Lima NA, Patel D, Crumm I, Huffman C, McGoff TN, Young J, Melgar TA, Helmstetter N J Cardiol. 2024;83:377-381.

  • McGlinchey Ford M., Rogotzke C.D., Bencik S.L., Billian J.R., Young J.L., Bencik C.D., Mastenbrook J.D. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2024;83:385-393.

  • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K., Mendel M. Preface Trust in Social and Business Relations: Theory and Practice. 2024:xxx-xxxi.

  • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K., Mendel M. Trust in Social and Business Relations: Theory and Practice Trust in Social and Business Relations: Theory and Practice. 2024:1-278.

  • Zhang L., Shao Z., Zhao T., Chen K. The influences of four dimensions of perceived fit on individuals’ utilisation of SPOCs: an extension of the task-technology fit model Behaviour and Information Technology. 2024

  • Appel N.S., Edgar H.J.H., Berry S.D., Hunley K. Error and bias in race and ethnicity descriptions in medical examiner records in New Mexico: Consequences for understanding mortality among Hispanic/Latinos Forensic Science International: Synergy. 2023;7

  • Chen K., Cheng L.C., Ye M.Y., Wang J.H. A graph neural network approach to detect original review spammers of astroturfing campaigns Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2023;62

  • Chen K., Golhar D.Y., Banerjee S. Blockchain applications and challenges for supply chain and Industry 4.0: a literature review International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences. 2023;16:1-41.

  • Chen K., Paliszkiewicz J. Swift trust in the age of artificial intelligence Privacy, Trust and Social Media. 2023:98-107.

  • Chen K., Snyder J.W. Forewords (cont.) Communication, Leadership, and Trust in Organizations. 2023:xxxii.

  • Haymaker C., Berry S.D., Cadick A., Bane C., VanDerKolk K. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. 2023;58:637-642.

  • Morris A.H., Horvat C., Stagg B., Grainger D.W., Lanspa M., Orme J., Clemmer T.P., Weaver L.K., Thomas F.O., Grissom C.K., Hirshberg E., East T.D., Wallace C.J., Young M.P., Sittig D.F., Suchyta M., Pearl J.E., Pesenti A., Bombino M., Beck E., Sward K.A., Weir C., Phansalkar S., Bernard G.R., Thompson B.T., Brower R., Truwit J., Steingrub J., Hiten R.D., Willson D.F., Zimmerman J.J., Nadkarni V., Randolph A.G., Curley M.A.Q., Newth C.J.L., Lacroix J., Agus M.S.D., Lee K.H., Deboisblanc B.P., Moore F.A., Evans R.S., Sorenson D.K., Wong A., Boland M.V., Dere W.H., Crandall A., Facelli J., Huff S.M., Haug P.J., Pielmeier U., Rees S.E., Karbing D.S., Andreassen S., Fan E., Goldring R.M., Berger K.I., Oppenheimer B.W., Ely E.W., Pickering B.W., Schoenfeld D.A., Tocino I., Gonnering R.S., Pronovost P.J., Savitz L.A., Dreyfuss D., Slutsky A.S., Crapo J.D., Pinsky M.R., James B., Berwick D.M. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2023;30(1):178-194.

  • Overhage J.M., Qeadan F., Choi E.H.E., Vos D., Kroth P.J. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2023;15:212-219.

  • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K., Goluchowski J. Privacy in social media: Future directions Privacy, Trust and Social Media. 2023:3-13.

  • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K., Goluchowski J. Privacy, Trust and Social Media Privacy, Trust and Social Media. 2023:1-264.

  • Qeadan F., Madden E.F., Barbeau W.A., Kroth P.J., Porucznik C.A., English K., Komaromy M., Sulzer S.H. Journal of Addictive Diseases. 2023;41:41-52.

  • Sood A., Qualls C., Murata A., Kroth P.J., Mao J., Schade D.S., Murata G. Journal of Asthma. 2023;60(4):802-810.

  • Weinandy T.J., Chen K., Pozo S., Ryan M.J. Twitter-patter: how social media drives foot traffic to retail stores Journal of Marketing Analytics. 2023

  • Zhang N., Hazarika B., Chen K., Shi Y. A cross-national study on the excessive use of short-video applications among college students Computers in Human Behavior. 2023;145

  • Beam A.S., Brown L., Moore K.G., Berry S.D., Stovall H., Rainey M., Shepherd C., Turner C., Flagg A. Radiologic Technology. 2022;94(2):108-119.

  • Chen K., Koohang A. Forewords Trust, Digital Business and Technology: Issues and Challenges. 2022:xxv-xxvi.

  • Cheng L.C., Chen K. Mining longitudinal user sessions with deep learning to extend the boundary of consumer priming Decision Support Systems. 2022;162

  • Fletcher J.J., Feucht E.C., Hahn P.Y., McGoff T.N., Dehart D.J., El Mortada M.E., Grifka R.G. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2022;43:407-409.

  • Fletcher J.J., Feucht E.C., Hahn P.Y., Mcgoff T.N., Dehart D.J., El Mortada M.E., Grifka R.G. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2022;43:490-496.

  • Livaudais M., Deng D., Frederick T., Grey-Theriot F., Kroth P.J. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2022;13:778-784.

  • Nordan P., Daneshvari Berry S., Morton M.E. Perspectives in health information management. 2022;19(1)

  • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K. Building digital trust in business Trust and Digital Business: Theory and Practice. 2022:3-11.

  • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K., Launer M. Trust and digital business: Theory and practice Trust and Digital Business: Theory and Practice. 2022:1-268.

  • Soares N., Mitchell R., McGoff T., Bailey T., Wellman G.S. Taste Perceptions of Common Pediatric Antibiotic Suspensions and Associated Prescribing Patterns in Medical Residents Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2022;27:316-323.

  • Zhang N., Song J., Chen K., Jia S. Emotional contagion in the propagation of online rumors Issues in Information Systems. 2022;23:1-19.

  • Ashley C., Berry S.D. Perspectives in health information management. 2021;18

  • Beam A.S., Moore K., Berry S.D., Brown L., Smith S., Wilcher A., Bibbs A., Beemon I. Radiologic Technology. 2021;92:568-576.

  • Berry S.D., Edgar H.J. Announcement: The New Mexico decedent image database Forensic Imaging. 2021;24

  • Berry S.D., Edgar H.J.H., Mosley C., Hunley K. AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium. 2021;2021:161-169.

  • Cheng L.C., Chen K., Lee M.C., Li K.M. User-Defined SWOT analysis – A change mining perspective on user-generated content Information Processing and Management. 2021;58

  • Daneshvari Berry S., Kroth P.J., Edgar H.J.H., Warner T.D. Applied Clinical Informatics. 2021;12:518-527.

  • Hazarika B., Chen K., Razi M. Are numeric ratings true representations of reviews? A study of inconsistency between reviews and ratings International Journal of Business Information Systems. 2021;38:85-106.

  • Morris A.H., Stagg B., Lanspa M., Orme J., Clemmer T.P., Weaver L.K., Thomas F., Grissom C.K., Hirshberg E., East T.D., Wallace C.J., Young M.P., Sittig D.F., Pesenti A., Bombino M., Beck E., Sward K.A., Weir C., Phansalkar S.S., Bernard G.R., Taylor Thompson B., Brower R., Truwit J.D., Steingrub J., Duncan Hite R., Willson D.F., Zimmerman J.J., Nadkarni V.M., Randolph A., Curley M.A.Q., Newth C.J.L., Lacroix J., Agus M.S.D., Lee K.H., Deboisblanc B.P., Scott Evans R., Sorenson D.K., Wong A., Boland M.V., Grainger D.W., Dere W.H., Crandall A.S., Facelli J.C., Huff S.M., Haug P.J., Pielmeier U., Rees S.E., Karbing D.S., Andreassen S., Fan E., Goldring R.M., Berger K.I., Oppenheimer B.W., Wesley Ely E., Gajic O., Pickering B., Schoenfeld D.A., Tocino I., Gonnering R.S., Pronovost P.J., Savitz L.A., Dreyfuss D., Slutsky A.S., Crapo J.D., Angus D., Pinsky M.R., James B., Berwick D. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2021;28(6):1330-1344.

  • Mousavi R., Hazarika B., Chen K., Razi M. The Effect of Online Q&As and Product Reviews on Product Performance Metrics: as a Case Study Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 2021;20

  • Mustapha J.A., Saab F., McGoff T.N., Finton S., Adams G., Mullins J.R., Jaff M.R., Khawaja F., Goodney P.P., Matos G., Raja M.L., Sumners M. Chronic Total Occlusions: Association Between Characteristics and Mid-Term Outcomes in Critical Limb Ischemia Journal of Critical Limb Ischemia. 2021;1:E95-E101.

  • Paliszkiewicz J., Chen K. Trust, Organizations and the Digital Economy: Theory and Practice Trust, Organizations and the Digital Economy: Theory and Practice. 2021:1-284.

  • Paliszkiewicz J., Goluchowski J., Chen K. The Meaning and Interdisciplinary Nature of Trust in the Digital Economy - Future Directions Trust, Organizations and the Digital Economy: Theory and Practice. 2021:3-14.

  • Shao Z., Zhang J., Zhang L., Chen K. Technology Affordance, Trust and Continuance Intention in Virtual Personal Assistants: Differences between High and Low Frequency Users 42nd International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2021 TREOs: "Building Sustainability and Resilience with IS: A Call for Action". 2021

  • Shiau W.L., Chen H., Chen K., Liu Y.H., Tan F.T.C. A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the Blended Service Quality for Ride-Sharing Continuance Journal of Global Information Management. 2021;29

  • Zhang N., Yuan Q., Xiang X., Chen K. What can you perceive? Understanding user’s information quality judgment on academic social networking sites Information Research. 2021;26

  • Atala R., Kroth P.J. Health Informatics Journal. 2020;26(3):2193-2201.

  • Hazarika B., Rea A., Mousavi R., Chen K. The impact of social media on disaster relief effort – recovery coordination for Hurricane Harvey Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication. 2020;70:558-576.

  • Hu Y.H., Chen K., Chang I.C., Shen C.C. Critical predictors for the early detection of conversion from unipolar major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder: Nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study JMIR Medical Informatics. 2020;8

  • Hung S.Y., Chen K. The Role of Organizational Support and Problem Space Complexity on Organizational Performance – A Business Intelligence Perspective Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 2020;12:1-27.

  • Hung S.Y., Chen K., Su Y.K. The effect of communication and social motives on E-government services through social media groups Behaviour and Information Technology. 2020;39:741-757.

  • Miller J., Atala R., Sarangarm D., Tohen M., Sharma S., Bhatt S., Khafaja M., Kroth P.J., Cruz M. Community Mental Health Journal. 2020;56(5):959-962.

  • Mousavi R., Chen R., Kim D.J., Chen K. Effectiveness of privacy assurance mechanisms in users' privacy protection on social networking sites from the perspective of protection motivation theory Decision Support Systems. 2020;135

  • Mousavi R., Hazarika B., Chen K., Rienzo T. The role of dissonance reduction and co-creation strategies in shaping smart service satisfaction–the case of Uber Behaviour and Information Technology. 2020:1-21.

  • Mustapha J.A., Saab F., McGoff T.N., Adams G., Mullins J.R., Al-Dadah A., Jaff M.R., Goodney P.P., Khawaja F., Diaz-Sandoval L.J. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 2020;95(3):447-454.

  • Pliagas G., Saab F., Stavroulakis K., Bisdas T., Finton S., Heaney C., McGoff T., Hardy K., Adams G., Mustapha J.A. Journal of Invasive Cardiology. 2020;33(3):99-103.

  • Shao Z., Chen K. Understanding individuals' engagement and continuance intention of MOOCs: the effect of interactivity and the role of gender Internet Research. 2020;31:1262-1289.

  • Shao Z., Jiang Z., Chen K., Zhang L. Understanding user ad click-through intention in the mobile social platform: A lens of trust transfer Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Information Systems (IS) for the Future, PACIS 2020. 2020

  • Shao Z., Jiang Z., Chen K., Zhang L. Understanding user ad click-through intention in the mobile social platform: A lens of trust transfer Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Information Systems (IS) for the Future, PACIS 2020. 2020

  • Shao Z., Jiang Z., Chen K., Zhang L. Understanding user ad click-through intention in the mobile social platform: A lens of trust transfer Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Information Systems (IS) for the Future, PACIS 2020. 2020

  • Shao Z., Zhang L., Chen K., Zhang C. Examining user satisfaction and stickiness in social networking sites from a technology affordance lens: uncovering the moderating effect of user experience Industrial Management and Data Systems. 2020;120:1331-1360.

  • Tsai C.F., Chen K., Hu Y.H., Chen W.K. Improving text summarization of online hotel reviews with review helpfulness and sentiment Tourism Management. 2020;80

  • Berry S., Edgar H.J.H. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2019;264:1427-1428.

  • Gardner R., Cooper E., Haskell J., Harris D., Poplau S., Kroth P., Linzer M. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2019;26(11):1421.

  • Gardner R.L., Cooper E., Haskell J., Harris D.A., Poplau S., Kroth P.J., Linzer M. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2019;26(2):106-114.

  • Hazarika B., Chen K., Rea A., Mousavizadeh M. A study of the antecedents of trust in social media posts 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2019. 2019

  • Hazarika B., Chen K., Rea A., Mousavizadeh M. A study of the antecedents of trust in social media posts 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2019. 2019

  • Hung S.Y., Yu A.P.I., Hung Y.L., Chen K., Hung H.T. Factors influencing attitudes towards Patients' personal information Protection Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Secure ICT Platform for the 4th Industrial Revolution, PACIS 2019. 2019

  • Kroth P.J., Morioka-Douglas N., Veres S., Babbott S., Poplau S., Qeadan F., Parshall C., Corrigan K., Linzer M. JAMA Network Open. 2019;2(8)

  • Chen K., Rea A. Do pair programming approaches transcend coding? Measuring agile attitudes in diverse information systems courses Journal of Information Systems вÊÍø. 2018;29:53-64.

  • Fletcher J., Wilson T.J., Rajajee V., Davidson S.B., Walsh J.C. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. 2018;33(3):196-202.

  • Kroth P.J., Morioka-Douglas N., Veres S., Pollock K., Babbott S., Poplau S., Corrigan K., Linzer M. The electronic elephant in the room: Physicians and the electronic health record JAMIA Open. 2018;1:49-56.

  • Lee P.J., Hu Y.H., Chen K., Michael Tarn J., Chen L.E. Cyberbullying detection on social network services Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems - Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society: Are We Ready?, PACIS 2018. 2018

  • Rienzo T., Chen K. Planning for Low End Analytics Disruptions in Business School Curricula Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative вÊÍø. 2018;16:23-41.

  • Saab F., Jaff M.R., Diaz-Sandoval L.J., Engen G.D., McGoff T.N., Adams G., Al-Dadah A., Goodney P.P., Khawaja F., Mustapha J.A. Journal of Endovascular Therapy. 2018;25(3):284-291.

  • Sung S., Chen K., Wu D., Hung L., Su Y., Hu Y. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2018;112:149-157.

  • Hu Y.H., Chen K., Lee P.J. The effect of user-controllable filters on the prediction of online hotel reviews Information and Management. 2017;54:728-744.

  • Mustapha J., Saab F., Diaz-Sandoval L., Beasley R., McGoff T.N., Finton S., Heaney C., Adams G. The Peripheral RegIstry of Endovascular Clinical OutcoMEs (The PRIME Registry): Interim Analysis of the First 328 Subjects with Critical Limb Ischemia Vascular Disease Management. 2017;14(3):E55-E66.

  • Mustapha J.A., Diaz-Sandoval L.J., Adams G., Jaff M.R., Beasley R., McGoff T., Finton S., Miller L.E., Ansari M., Saab F. Journal of Invasive Cardiology. 2017;29(5):175-180.

  • O'Donnell A., Daneshvari Berry S., Edgar H.J.H. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2017;62(3):735-740.

  • Edgar H.J.H., Willermet C., Ragsdale C.S., O'Donnell A., Daneshvari S. Frequencies of Rare Incisor Variations Reflect Factors Influencing Precontact Population Relationships in Mexico and the American Southwest International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 2016;26(6):987-1000.

  • Hu Y.H., Chen K. Predicting hotel review helpfulness: The impact of review visibility, and interaction between hotel stars and review ratings International Journal of Information Management. 2016;36:929-944.

  • Hu Y.H., Lee P.J., Chen K., Tarn J.M., Dang D.V. Hotel recommendation system based on review and context information: A Collaborative Filtering approach Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2016 - Proceedings. 2016

  • Hung S.Y., Huang Y.W., Lin C.C., Chen K.C., Tarn J.M. Factors influencing Business Intelligence Systems implementation success in the enterprises Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2016 - Proceedings. 2016

  • Mustapha J.A., DIaz-Sandoval L.J., Jaff M.R., Adams G., Beasley R., Finton S., McGoff T., Miller L.E., Ansari M., Saab F. Journal of Invasive Cardiology. 2016;28(6):259-264.

  • Chen K., Hu Y., Hsieh Y. Predicting customer churn from valuable B2B customers in the logistics industry: a case study Information Systems and e-Business Management. 2015;13:475-494.

  • Eldredge J., Garbin E., Kroth P.J. Which VIVO harvester queries best populate the VIVO database with accurate faculty member publications? Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 2015;52(1):1-3.

  • Eldredge J.D., Kroth P.J., Murray-Krezan C., Hantak C.M., Weagel E.F., Hannigan G.G. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2015;103(1):19-21.

  • Falk L.K., Sockel H., Chen K. Website usability: A re-examination through the lenses of ISO standards Web Design and Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2015;1-3:262-277.

  • Huang A.H., Chen K., Yen D.C., Tran T.P. A study of factors that contribute to online review helpfulness Computers in Human Behavior. 2015;48:17-27.

  • Hung W.H., Chen K., Lin C.P. Does the proactive personality mitigate the adverse effect of technostress on productivity in the mobile environment? Telematics and Informatics. 2015;32:143-157.

  • Linares-Perdomo O., East T.D., Brower R., Morris A.H. Chest. 2015;148(1):73-78.

  • Tang R.Y.W., Chen K. China's International Investment and the United States Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. 2015;26:13-27.